About : This is the final year Electronic research project (Department of Physics and
Electronics - University of Kelaniya). Contributors for this project Ramesh Maduranga, Chamara
Madumada and Madusha Shiromini.
This power supply can be operated using a graphical user interface (GUI). With this power supply,
users can obtain variable voltages up to 12 V with 0.1 V resolution. Additionally, it allows for the
measurement of resistor values and the plotting of I-V characteristics curves for electronic
components such as resistors, diodes, and transistors. It can also be known as a source measure unit
because it is capable of both sourcing and measuring. The GUI is used to set commands and view
outputs, including measured values and I-V curves. The device includes short circuit and overcurrent
protection, and all the components are controlled by an ATmega328 microcontroller.